

Abstract submission opens now - Dec 10, 2023
Notification of abstract acceptance Depending on the review process
Notification of full paper acceptance Depending on the review process


MFIU_Aging 2023 is currently accepting abstracts and original research manuscripts through the online method. At least one author must register for the conference at https://.....

Abstract (Please download the Abstract Template)

  • Must be written in English
  • Up to 350 words
  • Compose of significance, objectives, methods, results and conclusion of the research
  • No figures or tables are allowed in the abstract

Full paper (Please download the Full Paper Template)

  • Must be written in English
  • Limited to 4,000 words excluding tables, figures, and references or 10 pages including Tables, Figures and references
  • The author must completely follow the instructions
  • All citations must be corresponded to the reference list and all references must be appearing correctly cited in APA7th format
  • Please carefully check for English grammar
  • The references given in the reference section should correspond to every in-text citation. All references must be correctly formatted in the context.
  • Figures must be clear with high quality (don't draw the Figures in MS word using text-book) and must be drawn in .jpg or .png
  • All Figures and Tables must be described or discussed in text

Review Process

A full paper will be evaluated by double blind two Scientific Committee Members.

Steps Notes Remark
1) Initial Checking 1 day A full paper will be checked in terms of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, paper length, structure, research topics and language, etc. The paper can be sent to peer-review only if the paper passed the Initial Check.
2) Preliminary determination by Editorial team 2 days Preliminary determination results: (communicate to the author through email)

2.1) Format correction and re-submit by the author within 3 days

2.2) pass to a review process

2.3) Rejected

3) Register and pay within 3 days

***No refund in any condition***

If pass (2.1 or 2.2) - Notification to the author through email and . - Once the payment is successfully processed, you will receive a confirmation email with your additional submission details.
4) Double blind review process 10 days - At least two reviewers will review “Novelty and Originality, Scientific Soundness, Importance and Impact on the Research Area, Relevance to the Conference and Completeness of Presentation”.

- The reviewers are accountable for their reviewing recommendation by providing sufficient, substantial and well-founded comments that may help the authors to optimize the paper.

The reviewer is also probably asked to answer a series of questions by editors relevant to the review.

Finally, the authors are entitled to a rebuttal and feedback after receiving the review comments.

5) Notification to the author through corresponding’s email or registered email

3 days


The review process’s results:

Authors will get notified of these four possible feedbacks after the peer-review process:


The paper is accepted and does not need any modification.

Accept with minor revisions

The paper will be accepted after minor revisions. In this case, the reviewed paper will only be reviewed by the editor.

Major revisions and reevaluation by original reviewers

The paper has not been accepted, need major revisions and will be sent to original reviewers (unless they opt-out) or assessed by the editor.


The paper is not accepted due to major deficiencies and it is not recommended to be resubmitted.

Note: Authors are entitled to lodge rebuttal or raise questions about the editorial comments.

6) Paper revision

7 days


The authors revise and address all recommendations of their work and                  re-submit through email or online method
7) Re-evaluation and notify official acceptance

2-3 days
(within October, 2023)

The editor is satisfied with the scientific quality of your work and has chosen to accept it in principle.

The editor is requesting any formatting changes or additional details that may be required.

The original reviewers review the re-submitted version and the editor inform the authors the result.

8)  Formatting and Publication 2-3 weeks your paper will be formatted and published as part of the proceedings


Email the formatted paper according to the template (in .doc format) at E-mail:

Parallel Seesion Presentations Instruction

  1. Each presenter will be assigned to one of the sessions during the conference.
  2. Session assignments can be found by navigating to the "Panel session" of this website and clicking on the abstract link.
  3. During the sessions each presenter will give a 15-minute presentation including a 5-minute Q&A. Stay within the allocated time. This typically means you should not have more than 10 slides. Session chairs will give you a signal after 8 minutes, at which time you should start wrapping up your presentation. Give concise answers to questions.
  4. For participants who will present virtually please follow this instruction:
    1. Prepare your slides as a PowerPoint or PDF file. If possible, prepare your presentation with an aspect ratio of 16:9.
    2. Name your file with the following convention "Date Room Name." For example, 28 Dec_02_Jennie_Johnson.pdf.
    3. Presentation files should be emailed or uploaded no later than Friday, 08 December in order to allow technicians time to transfer them to corresponding computers.
    4. If you have any difficulties uploading your files, please contact and provide a clear description of the problem.
  5. There are a number of online sources on “good practices” for oral presentations. Presenter must create presentation video clip regarding submitted topic
    1. Video length 10 minutes.
    2. Camera record of presenter during presentation should be at lower left corner.
    3. File size: should not exceed 300 mb.
    4. Quality: HD
    5. File format: .mp4
    6. File name: presentation "Presentation_Date_Room_Firstname"

Please send your files to